About Us
Our Mission
To build and implement technology that lowers financial barriers to healthcare and makes universal health coverage possible.
Our Vision
A world where everyone, everywhere can access quality healthcare without facing financial hardship.
Our Story
mTOMADY was started as a project of the Doctors for Madagascar (DfM), an NGO founded in 2011 to improve access to essential health services and promote health equity in Madagascar.
One of DfM’s focus areas addresses financial barriers to healthcare and the high risk of medical impoverishment - an urgent healthcare challenge facing the country.
As access to mobile communication and payment technology rapidly expanded across Madagascar, DfM built on this momentum by starting their first digital health project, mTOMADY, to promote financial inclusion in healthcare.
In 2018, mTOMADY was accepted into the Berlin Institute of Health's Digital Health Accelerator program. With this support, a team of doctors, engineers, economic experts were able to collaborate across Berlin, Germany and Antananarivo, Madagascar and successfully launch mTOMADY in 2019.
The original mTOMADY project provided pregnant women and young mothers with access to a mobile health wallet and digital vouchers for subsidized care.
Its initial success attracted additional partners interested in leveraging mTOMADY to address structural health financing challenges and advance universal health coverage. In 2020, mTOMADY was founded as an independent social enterprise focused on advancing this vision in Madagascar and beyond.
Our Team
Elsa Rajemison
CEO & Co-founder
Dr. Julius Emmrich
Dr. Samuel Knauss
Andri Andrianasolo
Business Development Manager
Jennifer Bencivenga
Director of Partnerships and Communication
Tsimbina Rasoloharison
Finance and HR Lead
Juliette Cazier
Product Manager
Fano Andriamahefa
Software Developer
Lova Andriamanpianina
Communications Manager
Ony Razanajato
Administrative Manager
Lalatiana Anjarasoa
Claims Management Officer
Sharik Pathan
Data Analyst
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